
Showing posts from August, 2017

Speech Therapy Scheduling

Speech Therapy Scheduling Tomorrow I start seeing my students for the first week in speech. I've got some ready-to-go activities planned, including my Would You Rather...Questions and my Beginning of the Year Tic-Tac-Dough boards . This past week has been a little nuts, to say the least. That's because I've been doing all the "behind the scenes" work- setting up my room, attending beginning of the year meetings, and working on scheduling.  Speech therapy scheduling is never fun, but now that I have experience doing it, I've created a "go to" checklist that I'm going to share with you.  Let's conquer that tricky speech therapy scheduling once and for all .    Speech Therapy Scheduling Checklist Here's what you need to schedule: 1) Your speech caseload list : This should be a list with all of your students on it. Make sure you have included the IEP monthly minutes for each student. You'll want to have a quick reference available when ...

Speech Therapy Room Setup | Speech Room Decor

Hey guys! I wanted to give you a quick tour of my speech room. I'm pretty excited about my speech therapy room setup for this school year. Many of the labels, signs, and other speech room decor pieces are all part of my newest SLP Organization and Decor packet, which you can snag here at my TPT store! Speech Room Setup and Decor Tour I'm so excited to have you stop in! Come on, let's take a closer look... I wanted to go with a welcoming and exciting theme this year. It's exciting because it's travel-themed with a tagline of "communication takes you anywhere". I also love how calming the blue and green color combination feels! Make your first week in speech way less stressful with my Tic-Tac Dough Beginning of the Year Activities and my Would You Rather Questions ! Snag my free binder labels and spines for bundles here ! I can't wait- this year I have a specific place to put my draft reports. There will most certainly be interruptions throughout the...