It's Spring! Fresh Ideas for Speech Therapy

I'm feeling excited to have the opportunity today to link up with the Frenzied SLPs for their super fun spring-themed blog hop! I've enjoyed reading all of the posts so far and have gotten some fresh ideas for therapy! I'm currently on spring break right now, and enjoying every second with my baby boy... but I do know that next week will be here soon! So here's what I have planned for April in my speech therapy room: Spring makes me think of rain, puddles, and bugs. If you're looking for a quick, low ink activity for your preschoolers, you might want to scoop up my bug-themed Preschool Print & Go packet . I'm planning on targeting directives and requesting with my kiddos who use AAC. That frog toy, by the way, is about $5 at Walmart. It's pretty awesome, because it croaks. Seriously. I got it last week, sooo... hop on that deal. Literally. (OH, and p.s. That's my personal iPad, and a communication app I have ON my personal iPad. It's called LAMP...