Categories Speech Therapy | Movement Activities for Kids
Movement Activities for Speech Therapy Do your speech therapy students need to MOVE? As we all know, exercise is a GOOD thing, and while I'm no PT/ gym teacher/ fitness specialist (and whatever other title you can come up with), I do know that kids learn best when they are engaged in an activity. Movement activities for kids can be used in your speech therapy session- with amazing results. I created a categories speech therapy packet specifically for my students that just aren't that into sitting in a chair all day. I know your students will love these activities , too! Categories Speech Therapy Packet Okay, so this past year, I kept reading and reading about how important it is for kids to move while they're learning. Not only will your student be more engaged (mine have!), but it truly benefits them. Kids learn best when they're moving . I know your day gets crazy and sometimes, the thought of having to "try something new" is just overwhelming. I get it. ...