AHOY! Following Directions with Embedded Concepts!

Many of my kiddos NEED to work on following directions with concepts such as:
  • inclusion (all, and, all but one)
  • sequence (first, second, middle, last)
  • location (top, bottom, between, next to)
  • temporal (before, after, than, at the same time)

I'm sure you have children on your caseload that struggle with these concepts as well.
Make "following directions" fun with my pirate-themed product! It's one of my best-sellers on TPT, and one of the products that I personally use the most!
Check this one out. I KNOW you won't be disappointed.
You just might have to endure an entire session where your student talks in "Pirate Voice".

This packet includes 60 total cards and 1 game board.

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Head to my TPT Store if you're interested in purchasing Ahoy! Following Directions with Embedded Concepts!
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