My Spooky Speech Room

I felt woefully unprepared for this absolutely amazing holiday. I mean, I was running late, almost forgot my lunch, didn't quite get around to doing my hair... it was one of those mornings.
In my mind, I'd envisioned a day full of Halloween craftivities for my speech kiddos.
Luckily for me (and our speech students), my grad student was more prepared than I. She let it casually slip in the morning, "Yeah, I've got a Frankenstein decoration thing in my car."
"You do?" I responded eagerly.
"Well... well yes, but he's missing one leg," she said.
"Perfect!" I said. Before she could even get into the story of WHY he was missing one leg, we ran out to her car, and found this spook-tacular Halloween decoration just waiting to be enjoyed by our kiddos.
My mind began swimming with ideas, as we talked over the language goals our students had.
Of course, we had to include some defining & describing (...have you checked out the Expanding Expression Tool, by the way?!? Because it is AWESOME), and many of our kids had vocabulary and grammar goals. Some were working on regular and irregular past tense verbs, while others were targeting idioms.
We quickly taped Mr. Frankenstein to the wall, and then grabbed our markers, and got to work. I won't claim to be an artist, but every child actually knew what each picture was, so I consider that to be a success. Here is the masterpiece we created:

...and we also targeted these others areas:

Naturally, our kids would want to know why Mr. Frankenstein was missing a leg. We said he had been in a trick-or-treating accident.
One boy, who has a goal to target irregular past tense, spontaneously said Mr. Frankenstein broke his leg. He then went on and told us how Mr. Frankenstein ate brains yesterday. Yuck. Well, anyways, I would say the day was a success!


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