Getting to Know Your Favorite Online SLPs Linky Party

First off, thank to you to Natalie Snyders for hosting this linky party! This is such a fun idea!
I'm pretty excited to be able to tell you about myself.

Who am I?

My name is Karen Krogg. I am a pediatric SLP with (...almost) 5 years of experience in both school and outpatient settings. I graduated from Kent State University (B.S.) and the University of North Texas (M.S.) I am from Ohio, but decided to try out Texas for grad school to experience warmer weather. I came back to Ohio because my sister kept having cute kids. I am also a seller on TPT. I live in Ohio with my wonderful husband and our fur child, Moo. Our first wedding anniversary is coming up on April 26!

What Do I Offer?

My store offers a variety of materials, but I'm especially proud of my products created for following directions and targeting suppression of active phonological processes. I've also been making a huge effort recently to make sure I'm creating no (or very low) prep materials with black ink. While in the school setting, I haven't always had a color printer nearby! Therefore, be sure to check out product previews and descriptions. Many will say "low ink" or "no prep"! One more thing I must add... I love unique themes and word puns! Creative writing is so much fun for me, and many of my products reflect this!
My Dream Job

Are we talking in the speech pathology world? Because that answer would be: working with preschoolers! Now, if we are just talking about crazy dream jobs that will never actually happen... I think I would have made a great medievalist! I just know way, way too much about the Wars of the Roses. My second "dream job" is actually a life goal- I would LOVE to be an author!

3 Of My Favorite Things

1) Watching series with my husband (we are currently watching Game of Thrones, but we also enjoy Mad Men and Vikings...)
2) Reading! I am constantly reading...
3) Writing! I love creative writing. One day, I will get past a rough draft!

Who Else Should You Know?

This is such a tricky question. There are so many creative and talented online SLPs out there. I encourage you to check out TPT, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook to follow as many of these ladies as possible.
It's really hard to pick just one person... so I won't! For more great products and therapy ideas, please check out: Speech Made Simple
Gold Country SLP
Sparklle SLP
and For His Glory!


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