Shining Stars Linky Party: Hosted by SLPrunner

I'm so excited- TPT is hosting a BONUS One-Day Sale, and that means I can pick up all the other items I've since added to my cart in the past few weeks for a great price!

SLPrunner is hosting a Shining Stars Linky Party to highlight our most treasured products that we have created. In addition, I'll share a few products that are currently in my cart!

My Shining Star Products
First, please make sure to check out my Minimal Pairs & More Bundle. It's a great deal already, and will be even further discounted during this sale. If you have kids with phonological disorders on your caseload, you will love this product. It's no prep. On each page is a simple format that includes auditory discrimination, word production minimal pairs, and an auditory bombardment list. The bundle includes ALL of the Minimal Pairs & More toolkits (Initial & Final Consonant Deletion, Cluster Reduction, Fronting, Backing, Stopping, Gliding, and Voicing & Devoicing).

Next, I want to take the chance again to tell you about my Book Companion for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling. Don't miss checking this one out! If you have upper elementary/ middle school kids on your caseload, you'll love this. It covers a huge variety of areas (answering comprehension questions, inferencing skills, defining vocabulary from each chapter, sequencing events in each chapter, forming sentences with target words, object function, category skills... and more!) It's no prep, and that means, depending on how many sessions it takes you to get through the book with your student, you have weeks to months worth of therapy already planned. My kids asked to take home the worksheets each week. Get this one on sale!

Last, I'd love to tell you about my And We're Back! Back to School Language & Articulation Worksheets. This no prep, low ink packet will be a life-saver in those first few weeks of school. Simply print and go! It targets a variety of areas, but also offers such options for goal writing, discussing summer activities, and more! 

Shining Star Products Created by Other Sellers

Here's what's in my cart!

No Print Fact Vs Opinion by Speech Wonderland. This looks like a great time-saver!

No Prep Field Trip Companion by Speechasaurus. What a fun idea, and it's print & go! Wahoo! :)

This looks fantastic.  My kids will love this Figurative Language in Pop Music product from SLPrunner! 

It might be a little early for one of my favorite holidays, but I think this Book Companion to Click Clack Boo! will be a great addition to my seasonal materials! It's created by The Speech Attic.
Make sure to shop the Boost Sale for 28% off- and enter the code MORE15 at checkout!
Thank you for stopping by! Please make sure to follow my blog with Bloglovin, and if you haven't already, make sure to follow me on TPT!


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