Speech Therapy Oops! {Speech Wonderland}

Our guest blogger today? The lovely Natalie from Speech Wonderland. This #speechtherapyoops is a MUST- READ...

Hello, I’m Natalie from Speech Wonderland. Hmmm….How do I narrow it down to just one #speechtherapyoops moment to share? This is going to be tough because there is never a dull moment in my speech room! I think these moments should definitely be jotted down more frequently in a journal. Being able to glance back at times like these, could only brighten a gloomy day, and remind us why we love what we do!

Last week, I was working with one of my cute little kindergarten students with apraxia. For the sake of keeping things PG on Karen’s blog, we will henceforth write #it to describe my student’s word approximation. Please know, to decode this, you simply need to substitute a “t” for the #. Another hint, in case that was too subtle: think “a woman’s body part”.

Sitting across the table from him, he suddenly shouts, “Mi-. We-t, What i- on your #it?” I quickly shot up and thought to myself, he surely didn’t say what I thought he said. “What did you say sweetie?” I asked. He then proceeds to repeat himself “What i- on your #it?” while pointing to left of my chest. As I quickly glance down to the left of my chest, I could feel my face turning several shades of red. I was afraid to see what he could possibly be pointing to.

Ah ha, he’s just trying to figure out what animal’s head was on the left side of my shirt! (It was a horse.) Knowing that he has difficulty with speech, I had to give him the benefit of the doubt that he surely didn’t mean the word “#it”. Even though, he wouldn’t have been completely incorrect if he was identifying where that horse’s head was oddly placed on my shirt. Next, I grabbed my shirt’s sleeve and began shaking it and asking him, “What do you call this?”

“A #it!” he said again.

I instantly felt a sense of relief once I realized he definitely was trying to say the word “shirt”. This couldn’t be a more perfect time for me to introduce that “be quiet” sound. I put my pointer finger in front of my mouth and said, “Oh you mean, SH……irt! There is a horse on my SH…irt.”
“So let’s try it again, what is this called?” (pointing to his shirt this time ☺) I asked him. He proudly shouted “SHXX!” (you can fill in those last two Xs with the correct vowel and consonant) Yikes! Well, I was super excited he was able to produce that /sh/ sound so wonderfully, but I couldn’t possibly have him call his shirt either one of those names!

Unfortunately, it was time for him to go back to class. I praised him for his hard work, and told him we would work more on that “be quiet” /sh/ sound another time.

After school ended, his teacher came by my room because she heard about the word we were working on in class. She shared that when she walked him down the hallway, she asked him what he was wearing. He confidently exclaimed, “a SHXX#it” (again you can replace the 2 Xs with the correct vowel and consonant) Haha..I’m not sure that word is any better than the other two words, but this SLP couldn’t be more proud of his carry-over skills. He was already using that newly introduced /sh/ phoneme outside of my classroom!

Can't get enough OOPS? Read more here. Be sure to check back next week because Sarah from Short And Sweet Speech is willing to share her #speechtherapyoops next!


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