Carryover Articulation (American History/ Founding Fathers Themed)

Okay, I'm sure many of you have some upper elementary/ middle school articulation students who are so. sick. of. drill.
Honestly, by this age, it can be a little tricky to get some of these students motivated.
After first creating my Medieval/ Renaissance English History Carryover Articulation packet (Henry VIII + speech therapy?! yes please!!!), I had a request to make a similar packet targeting the Founding Fathers.
Done. These guys are fun to read about. I had fun doing the research for this packet.

You'll love these carryover packets because they are (1) open-ended, (2) no prep, (3) low ink, (4) your students will be engaged and (5) if you're a history nerd like me, you can actually talk history and speech therapy at the same time. BOOM.
(Oh, if you AREN'T a history nerd, no worries. You'll still love this packet).
Oh, and did I mention- each story comes with an additional worksheet with comprehension questions?
It's allowed me to use these worksheets in both articulation AND language groups. Win.

My carryover articulation packets are (so far) available in the following themes:
-English medieval history
-American history/ Founding Fathers
-Scottish history/ culture (yes, I can verify my kids LOVE discussing haggis and the Loch Ness monster!)

Many more are coming! Be on the lookout.


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