
Showing posts from October, 2014

My Spooky Speech Room

I felt woefully unprepared for this absolutely amazing holiday. I mean, I was running late, almost forgot my lunch, didn't quite get around to doing my hair... it was one of those mornings. In my mind, I'd envisioned a day full of Halloween craftivities for my speech kiddos. Luckily for me (and our speech students), my grad student was more prepared than I. She let it casually slip in the morning, "Yeah, I've got a Frankenstein decoration thing in my car." "You do?" I responded eagerly. "Well... well yes, but he's missing one leg," she said. "Perfect!" I said. Before she could even get into the story of WHY he was missing one leg, we ran out to her car, and found this spook-tacular Halloween decoration just waiting to be enjoyed by our kiddos. My mind began swimming with ideas, as we talked over the language goals our students had. Of course, we had to include some defining & describing (...have you checked out the Expandi...

Halloween Sale For All Of My Favorite SLPs!

It's been an exciting week. I finally found the time to get to the craft store and buy some badly needed Halloween decor for our house. As you can tell, I LOVE all things sparkly. Therefore, I now have leaves and sparkly pumpkins on my mantle... ...and of course, a sparkly pumpkin and shiny new table runner on my kitchen table! It's a start, anyways! I couldn't believe there were actually more CHRISTMAS decorations for sale than Halloween/ Thanksgiving! Go figure! Anyways, to celebrate one of my favorite holidays, I am throwing a 15% off sale on my ENTIRE store now through October 29th, 2014! Don't miss this! Just click here to stop by my TPT Store!

This Made Me Laugh Out Loud

As you know, kids say the CUTEST things. I just put up my newest product the other night, and I'm SUPER excited with it. This kit includes describing worksheets and word relationships worksheets, with super cute animals! I tried it with one of my patients, and he was so motivated, he said: "Can we do this again next week?" (I'm not making this up, I promise!) My amazing colleague and fellow SLP Becca agreed to try out this product in her therapy room as well. We just weren't expecting such an AWESOME answer for his fun fact: Here is an example of the word relationships worksheet they also filled out: Her student is a non-reader and had goals to target answering wh-questions and answering yes/ no questions. She simply modified this page by asking yes/no and wh-questions about the parrot using the vocabulary provided. It's such a fun activity, don't forget to check it out at my TPT Store ! By the way, I MUST give credit where credit is due! I certainly di...

Freebie! Social Story & Worksheet

It's Sunday evening, and once again, my weekend went by WAY too fast! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job, but oh how I enjoy sleeping in and lounging in my sweatpants as well! I was very busy this weekend. I set up a Twitter account, so please make sure to follow me. I also created this freebie for my store. It's a social story that I recently created for one my students who has been having some trouble with hitting and kicking classmates and family members. I figured some of my other speechies out there might have need for this story as well! Be sure to download this freebie at my TPT Store . I LOVE feedback, so please consider letting me know how you plan on using this in therapy. Copyright Information: Fonts: Border/ frame: The 3am teacher, Graphics:

Thumb Sucking: What the Speech- Language Pathologist NEEDS to Know

I'm sure as an SLP you have been in the position I was in earlier this summer. I was working with a patient who had a lisp. It wasn't necessarily always interdental (i.e. tongue sticking through his teeth), but his /s/ and /z/ sounds just didn't sound crisp. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my job, so I needed to learn more. Through google searches, I then luckily discovered the field of orofacial myology.In particular, I read about Sandra Holtzman. Seeing that her 28 hour ceu course addressed lisps of all types, I decided to take the plunge. I am SO glad that I did. As a disclaimer, I am not receiving any financial compensation from her company for telling you this. I am simply writing about this experience because as a speech therapist, it completely changed how I was viewing and treating my patients for the better. If you ever get the chance to attend her course, don't hesitate. It was some of the best money I have ever spent on my continuing educati...

It's Magic! The MEGA No Prep Articulation Toolkit

Oh. My. Gosh. You don't EVEN know how ecstatic I am about this new product. That's because it took around 70 hours to make, and I now have a product I get to use absolutely EVERY day in therapy. I always make products based on what I need to be an efficient therapist. I was finding it hard when some of my vocalic /r/ cards were in one location, some of my /s/ blend cards in my other office... you get the idea. I needed an articulation binder that had it ALL. I mean, EVERYTHING... EVERY. SINGLE. SOUND. Even the tricky ones, like /s/ blends (and not just in the initial position) and consonant sequences (like "SPR" and "SPL"). This kit has EVERYTHING, I can't stress that enough. Here are ALL of the sounds this product includes: /b/: initial, medial, final /p/: initial, medial, final /t/: initial, medial, final /d/: initial, medial, final /f/: initial, medial, final /v/: initial, medial, final /th/: voiceless initial, medial, final /th/: voiced, initial, med...

Therapy Quick Snap: WH Question Bingo Created By The Speechstress!

If you're like me, you probably have a good number of kiddos on your caseload who have trouble answering WH-questions. I do have some materials to target this, but really needed to freshen things up! I'm so excited that I get the chance to review this wonderful product created by The Speechstress. This kit includes Who, What, Where, When, Why & How question cards and boards. It also includes some very colorful bingo chips (or "tokens!" as my kiddo liked to call them). Today, I targeted answering "how" questions. What I really LOVED about these questions? They were RELEVANT! These are questions that the child might be asked during his or her daily routine. The visuals were fantastic. I was able to offer a field of 2-4 choices and point to the pictures to provide even more assistance. My kiddo was very engaged by this product and kept saying, "Okay, let's get more tokens!" I am storing my cards by simply placing them in ziplock sandwi...

It's October 7th! That Means One Of My FAVORITE Products Is 50%!!!

This is a MUST HAVE product for your therapy room! Today only (October 7th) it is on sale for 50% off until 10pm EST. Snag it here. DON'T WAIT! Don't want to stop shopping at my store? You don't have to! All of the other awesome SLP products are half off as well. Check out my Facebook page for a list of other products listed on sale!

Will 7 Be Your Lucky Number?

Don't forgot to check my TPT Store tomorrow to see which MUST HAVE product will be 50% off! #SLPmusthave